I'm terrible with mushy shit so I'll skip past the hello's and I missed you's and such and get to the good stuff:

I am back and full of words (we HAVE gone months without "talking" ya know). So here is my current question for you all - Now, I am the kind of chick who will try almost anything at least once (ok more like 2 or 3 times ) and I have done my fair share of fetishes, specific kinks, and so on and so forth. I bet you'd be surprised at what you may get a lady to do if ya just find the nerve to ask (in a respectful manner).

Anyways, I am hoping to create a list of specialty services that I am willing to offer for my site and ads and I need your help with it. If you have something you'd like for me to offer, speak now or forever hold your piece. I mean peace!
More soon I swear it!!!!!
PS Happy fathers day too!

After reading my last blog entry, a gentleman contacted me for some advice. Now I don't feel it necessary to go into any more detail about his situation, however it did make me realize that some people misumderstood my post. This happens to be a very passionate topic for me and I am going to take this moment to share with you all what I told him in regards to the whole thing. Hopefully it can clarify things for us all or at least provide further insight as to how I view this point of interest:

My response:
Well first, you have to realize that just because one provider is a certain way does not mean the rest are too. That is like asking a mechanic if he is a good cook and then deciding all mechanics are the same at cooking as the one you asked. I will answer your question but keep that in mind because she is not me and so I can't give you any real answers about her.

When I answered that question on my blog you refer to, I took careful consideration and thought into how to say what I wanted to say so others would understand it. So yes I was (and/or am) invested enough to think about them when I think of what this job has cost me over time. I wouldn't have thought twice about any of the ones that I let go if they did not mean anything to me.

Sounds to me like your girlfriend has been hurt by maybe some other men in her life (just like we ALL have) but unfortunately she is using that as an excuse to justify her keeping you close enough to love her but just out of reach for her to have to give that love back. It is a basic human reaction and completely natural for us to have the urges to run screaming at the thought of loving another person. I mean it is a fact that everyone eventually goes away. So maybe she's just trying to figure out if this time is worth the inevitable heartache that she will feel when you too go away one day. She needs your patience and consideration. I am going to say one more thing to you and if you didn’t listen to a word I said just now I BEG you to hear me now:

If you truly love someone or something, it is worth fighting for. Worth waiting for and nothing that is worth it is ever going to be the easy route but once you get where you want to be you will look back and be so very happy that you didn't give up on that person or thing you love so much. She'll come around sweetheart. Just don't push and you will be amazed at what will happen. Good luck and keep your chin up doll.

And I feel this is %150 true. Words to live by right there ladies and gentlemen. Anyhow that is it for today I get to take a 4day trip to DC in morning so I will catch ya in about 4 days! Wish me luck you's guys

PS If anyone out there has a laptop of any kind I will give free BJ's for eternity just to be able to figure out a even trade or some shit!! I am desperate to find one before mornng mine just went kapooie on me so yeah.. Let e know if you can help me and thank you in advance if you can! x )
This is a discussion going on the board right now that I found interesting...

The thread starter says:

"I track all my cash transactions and over the past 4 or 5 years of engaging in this business. I have spent over $80K, not counting the many Louis Vuitton bags and other gifts that I bought along the way for those special ladies that touched my heart and other parts.
So the question is how much has this hobby cost you, if you dare keep track."

My first reaction was DAMMIT! I wish I had that much money to put into a "hobby" or anything for that matter! Then I began to think about the other question, "Do you keep track?"

Well I can only speak from the other side of the whole deal when I give my answer-and though I dont think it was where the guy who asked initially was going with it-I would like to answer anyways.

I never knew when I went into this job exactly what I was sacraficing. I mean though it is not who I am it is truly just my job, it still has its own way of affecting the rest of my life all the same. I mean any friendship, or relationship I decide I want to enter eventually, the other person will have to know(assuming I want it to last for any amount of time)...If I don't tell them they wll find out anyways so in many situations this factor has prevented me from letting several folks close to me that I may have wanted to otherwise. I have had to say goodbye to a lot of toher things also but the one mentioned I feel is the most signifigant to me.

Now I said all that so I could say this:

For me it isn't so much about what the hobby has cost me as it is what it has given me. For reference (and so I don't have to retype what has already been said:

this was my round about way of replying to that one there on the board. If you have a few min go and read it. It ain't all bad and really its what I think of when I think of the cost/benifit of being involved with the industry, for me anyways.

I guess it goes back to the mindset, it doesnt matter how good bad or indfiferent something is that happens to you or your life, just so long as you take every positive thing you can from it and maybe even learn some things, then it didn't happen for nothing. I see this time in my life as a wonderful gift and I have been blessed to experience so much. And yes I am learning from it on a minute by minute basis.

Now for some random nonsense as to lighten things up a bit:

We are currently needing help with a few things:

Costumes for the girls

Each lady will need something sexy and theme fitting to wear for her shoot so if you would like to donate funds for that please contact me directly. Thanks to all who help suport this.

Any other ideas, or props, or just anything at all you may have that would help with the shooting process that you may wanna let us use. Just let me know please and we can figure out a convenient way to get it to the lady who will use it.

That is really it for now. I will be back when I have enough time to actually share new thought s and stuff with you all. xoxo

Now for some pics of the social the other night: